Attorney General William Barr delivered a statement saying that the idea of getting rid of policing would be “dangerous” and “wrong.”
He told Fox News’ “Special Report” with Bret Baier, “Defunding the police, and holding the entire institution responsible for the actions of certain officers is wrong, and I think it is dangerous to demonize police.”
The fact that AG Barr even feels the need to respond to this illusion of a consensus is appalling. It shows exactly what the media is doing, that they are using selective coverage to create an impression of this situation that is wrong. It is the same tactic they use to give people the impression that police are killing black people at a disproportionate rate.
In recent weeks we have seen the rapid apparent uprise in sentiment to the effect that police departments across the country should be defunded. This appearance is, as usual, deceptive. The fact is that only 14% of the American public are in favor of abolishing police departments. That includes Democrats and Republicans alike. Even 60% of liberals are against getting rid of police departments.
Nevertheless, we are hearing about demands to take all funding away police departments as if these demands are coming from a consensus of the majority. They are not. It is a false narrative that is being pushed by the mainstream media to create the impression that this is what the American people want. It is not.
The fact is that over the last 15 years, a white male is 40% more likely to be killed by a police officer than a black male according to the FBI. The statistics on that are very clear. When it comes to the numbers on actual police shootings of black men, black police officers are 27% more likely to shoot a black suspect than a white officer.
The simple reason for this is the widespread fear of being accused of being a racist. They have the same problem in England where police are highly hesitant to pursue Muslim suspects, but will fine and imprison whites for the crime of noticing it. That is where we are headed in this nation if we don’t get a hold of ourselves very quickly.
President Donald Trump quickly expressed his support for Barr’s statements on Twitter.
“This year has seen the lowest crime numbers in our Country’s recorded history, and now the Radical Left Democrats want to Defund and Abandon our Police,” the president said. “Sorry, I want LAW & ORDER!”
Again, it is unfortunate that our leaders feel they have to take this idea seriously. But we’re glad that the administration is at least putting their foot down on this.
The Minneapolis City Council said that it will take steps to defund the city’s police department. Meanwhile, other Democrat-run districts are making moves in the same fool-hearty direction, despite the sharp up-tick in all manner of crime over the last week.