The age of progressive world leaders appears to be going the way of the dinosaurs. After a decade of liberal policies that provoked mass migration, stifled free speech, and devastated economies, populist strongmen hit like a meteor. As the dust settles, progressive politicians find themselves clinging to shrinking left-wing voters as their reign grinds to an end.
In the U.S., President Donald Trump crushed Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and dashed Democrats’ dream of nationwide socialism. The 2016 election was historical in the sense that voters in the world’s top superpower had rejected eight more years of failed progressive policies. Under former President Barack Obama’s leadership, journalists were spied on, manufacturing jobs were outsourced, and anti-business climate hoax regulations turned communities into ghost towns, while the festering opioid crisis went unchecked. Obama’s claims to fame were ruining an already expensive healthcare system and creating ISIS. President Trump’s American populist revolution has been embraced on a global scale.
In Canada, liberal extremist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau narrowly escaped being ousted in the recent election, and his Liberal now finds itself governing without a solid majority.
“We seek hardship for none and prosperity for all, and if we unite around these common goals, I know we can achieve them,” Trudeau stated. “Thank you, Canada, for putting your trust in our team and for having faith in us to move this country in the right direction. Regardless of how you cast your vote, our team will work hard for all Canadians.”
What Trudeau left out of his victory cry was that despite previous popularity and ex-President Obama delivering a personal progressive endorsement, the Canadian politician barely won a second term. According to recent vote counts, Trudeau’s Liberals came up 14 seats short of re-forming a majority party in the House of Commons. He and his progressive colleagues have effectively been gelded in one of the world’s more left-leaning countries.
“We’re seeing a much-needed chastening of the Liberal Party,” British Columbia university political scientist David Moscrop said. “Some of (the result) is a backlash against Liberal arrogance and entitlements.”
Trudeau’s progressive Liberal Party reportedly lost 20 House of Commons seats from the 2015 elections. The left-wing New Democrats also lost another 15 seats. The nationalist-oriented Bloc Québécois party improved by 22, and the Conservative party gained the most with 26 seats. When it was all told, the left was handed a massive backlash to the tune of a 35-seat loss. Candidates who ran on nationalism and populism earned a plus 48-seat mandate. These facts stand in stark contrast to the mainstream media’s coverage pushing splashy headlines using words such as “Trudeau Wins Minority Government.” These fake news tactics fail to tell the real story that Trudeau’s Liberals lost the “Majority Government” power.
Although fake news media outlets want to blame the diminishing voter support on Trudeau’s scandals that include wearing blackface, the reality is that Canadians are keenly aware of the robust prosperity of Americans under President Trump’s populist “America First” policies.
Trudeau’s Conservative opponent, Andrew Scheer, ran on a promise to roll back extremist policies such as the progressive carbon tax that has hamstrung the Canadian economy.
“Tonight, Conservatives have put Justin Trudeau on notice,” Scheer reportedly said. “And Mr. Trudeau, when your government falls, Conservatives will be ready, and we will win.”
Although Trudeau enjoyed tremendous popularity as the son of a former Canadian prime minister, hard-working people with families to raise grow weary of paying for left-wing pie-in-the-sky idealism. In Europe, previously formidable leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel have seen power evaporate.
Merkel had been viewed as a steady pair of hands guiding the EU into prosperity in 2005. But these days, her open borders policies and climate hoax taxation have stung Germans and other Europeans. Like Trudeau, she went from a majority power-broker to clinging to the remnants of a withering coalition. She now faces a civil war within her own party, the Christian Democratic Union, and her days are clearly numbered.
Similarly, Mexico recently elected populist Pres. Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) in hopes of improving economic stability. Rather than quarrel with the U.S., he has been quick to work cooperatively to stem the tide of mass migration and brokered the USMCA deal with the U.S. and Canada to replace NAFTA. His pragmatism continues to look toward improving the quality of life of everyday Mexicans rather than liberal pipe dreams.
As the 2020 elections draw near in the U.S., liberals are running on higher taxes, open borders, and bringing back job-killing regulations. When a species doesn’t adapt, it becomes extinct. Liberals are like dinosaurs.