There’s a lot on the plate for conservatives right now as they must fight to gain back some of the ground that was lost during Obama’s eight years as president. One battle, however, that does not get nearly as much attention as it deserves is the issue of school choice.
To understand the importance of school choice, look no further than the current state of the public education system in America. Not only are these schools underfunded and struggling to keep up with schools in foreign countries all over the world, they are also increasingly being managed with a liberal slant, with leftist teachers and textbooks becoming an all too common norm.
School choice, however, takes the power to indoctrinate the youth out of the hands of government and puts a child’s education back in control of their parents. Even more importantly, students who are able to choose what school they attend perform better and learn more, setting them up to compete in a world that is becoming increasingly competitive.
There is nothing more important than the preparation of future generations. If conservatives want to win the war and not just a few battles along the way, school choice needs to become a major part of their agenda.
For more on the importance of school choice from One America News, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Patriotic Freedom Fighter