Before the 2016 election, James Comey was relatively unknown to the majority of the American population. Since then, though, his history of partisan bias and serious blunders has made him infamous.
In Comey’s ABC News interview, the former FBI director spent a lot of time attempting to explain why Donald Trump should not have been elected President. However, the only thing he really succeeds in making clear is the fact that he should have never been appointed as the director of the FBI.
One of the most important principles of the FBI is that it is supposed to be an entirely unbiased organization. Justice, after all, is blind. It’s hard, though, for the FBI to be unbiased when the person in charge of it is deeply biased and partisan. In his ABC interview, Comey makes light of wrongdoings carried out by the Clintons and Loretta Lynch – including Bill Clinton selling a Presidential pardon to a fugitive – while at the same time hammering GOP officials such as General Petraeus for what amount to far lesser crimes.
With a man such as this in charge of the FBI, it’s no small wonder that the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s misuse of a private server yielded no results. Comey should have never been the director of the FBI, and one can only hope that the organization will get back on track now that he is gone.
To see Tucker Carlson explain in-depth why Comey should have never been allowed near the FBI director’s office, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Patriotic Freedom Fighter