New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a little while to settle into her first big-girl job in Congress. But she’s come a long way from pouring adult beverages. Now, the millennial lawmaker is spearheading a bill that could render America’s borders obsolete.
The so-called New Way Forward Act takes the twisted logic used to justify sanctuary cities in left-wing states like California to an ideological extreme. If passed, immigration judges will have the power to nullify deportation orders, essentially forcing Americans to foot the bill for illegal immigrants to re-enter the country.
AOC has had no issue with being the face of her Democratic Party’s progressive wing. In fact, she seems to thrive on it. Some of her most memorable moments as a congresswoman include her standing in front of a fence in an empty parking lot, appearing to fight the power by screaming at a border patrol agent. Clearly, she’s very comfortable dying on this hill if she has to…
Naturally, the legislation in question has the full support of all members of “the squad” — that is, AOC and her far-left allies in Congress.
As for the rest of the Democratic Party, they’re essentially irrelevant now. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s power is on paper only. Remember, she resisted impeachment until the “squad” cry-bullied her into caving in. Now, on the heels of political disaster and President Donald Trump’s acquittal, Pelosi doesn’t seem to have the stomach to even pretend to be in charge anymore.
So, until the Republicans can take back the House of Representatives, we’re effectively dealing with AOC’s caucus, and that means more horrific legislation like this.
Here’s One America News with the details.