Ask yourself a serious question before you watch the total freak out in the video below: why are Democrats trying to impeach President Donald Trump?
For many, this depends entirely on which part of the timeline we’re in. First, it was collusion with the Russian government, which turned out to be a baseless conspiracy theory. Now, it’s something about an improper phone call with Ukraine’s leadership — which, while you could say raises some questions, barely borders on anything criminal. At one point, it had something to do with him sleeping with an adult film actress or something.
Really, it’s been all over the place, but here’s the real answer: Democrats don’t like Donald Trump, and they want to push him out however they can. Sure, you could say that Democrats could simply wait until November of 2020 to just make their case to the American people, but just look at the candidates: their best shot at winning is a man who doesn’t know what year it is.
So, the idea that Democrats are trying to oust the president over personal animosity towards him isn’t exactly a controversial idea — but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is deeply offended if you think this is the case. She’s so offended, in fact, that she remembers to call herself a Catholic just for the effect.
It’s always amusing when Democrats pull the religion card out of no where, while in they will defend the systemic slaughter of thousands in the same breath.
Here’s Ben Shapiro with more.