The deceased Jeffrey Epstein has been at the center of a host of conspiracy theories since his alleged self-hanging at a maximum security prison. The explanations are many, but generally conclude that Epstein’s suicide was actually a murder done of a desire to cover up sex trafficking at the highest levels of society.
Normally, conspiracies like this tend to be confined to the fringes — the same way “birthers” who believed that former President Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya, as well as “truthers” who believe that 9/11 was an inside job staged by the Bush Administration have been. Those ideas are almost universally rejected by the mainstream culture, and for good reason: the evidence to support both is near non-existent. This is not the case for the Epstein conspiracies: people right, left, and center seem to doubt the official story.
Now, there’s even more reason to question the narrative as a famous physician is coming out saying that the wounds on Epstein’s neck are more consistent with homicide by strangulation than by suicide via hanging. Now, we’ve heard this before — but those rumors quickly fell out of the spotlight once authorities simply declared there was no foul play.
We don’t want to tell you what to think either way on this, but we will say this: there is reason to believe that the official story is less than accurate. There is even reason to believe that there was a clear motivation to kill Epstein before he could spill the beans on what the global elite is really up to behind closed doors. At the very least, it’s worth asking more questions about this.
But today, we’re just going to give you the facts that are available, so you can draw your own conclusions. If nothing else, it raises suspicions…
Here’s Tim Pool with the latest on Jeffrey Epstein’s mysterious death.