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The Chilling Facts Behind Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Convenient’ Suicide

Billionaire financier and disgraced sex predator Jeffrey Epstein reportedly took his own life inside of his own jail cell, and even middle of the road centrists are toying with conspiracy theories as a result.

According to the official story, Epstein was able to hang himself during a surveillance equipment failure. The accused pedophile, who has a litany of connections to high profile people in politics, finance, and seemingly every other level of high society, was on suicide watch when his death was reported.

Conspiracy theories about the financier’s death populated the internet over night. Before Twitter was able to get around to censoring it, the hashtag “#ClintonBodyCount” was trending with users suggesting the political dynasty “helped” Epstein end his own life by doing it for him. Others have tried to connect the pedophile to President Donald Trump, noting his fleeting friendship with Epstein in the early 2000s before the two had a falling out over a property dispute.

And of course, others have blamed the Russian government, some suggest that both Trump and Bill Clinton were involved, and others have drawn even more fantastical conclusions. The only rare explanation seems to be the official story itself. And let’s be honest — it does raise a few questions.

As YouTuber Stefan Molyneux posed during a recent upload, the best case scenario for the official narrative is that the government was so ineffective that it failed to prevent a man on suicide watch from killing himself inside of a jail cell. At best, it proves everything conservatives have been saying all along: government is pretty much bad at whatever it does.

It’s been hard to keep up with all of the conspiracy theories surrounding what is understandably a questionable occurrence. Through all of this, the facts behind the case can be blurred or even forgotten.

Here’s YouTube commentator Sargon of Akkad with what is to date probably the most balanced explanation on what led up to Epstein’s suicide, why people care so much about it, and what may have actually happened.

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