Based on the insane videos we’ve seen emerging out of college campuses, you might be under the impression that “gender politics,” the feminist cult dictating that biological sex is a free-for-all, is merely a millennial phenomenon — and it will pass when they have to pay taxes and stuff.
Apparently not.
Dissatisfied with their own confusion, leftists infesting academia are passing it on to the next generation by force. The subjective opinions of coastal feminists are now being taught as fact to children at the most impressionable age. Yes — three-year-olds who will readily tell you that they’re dinosaurs can easily be convinced that being a “girl” or a “boy” doesn’t matter. That’s part of the plan.
This is an ongoing push by the left to bring younger and younger people into the fold. It’s not a coincidence that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is endorsing lowering the voting age to 16 at the same time when children are being brainwashed by gender politics. This is their game, and they’ll never stop playing it.
Matt Walsh has more below.
~ Patriotic Freedom Fighter