In the wake of the deadly shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School, many survivors, such as David Hogg, Cameron Kasky, and Emma Gonzalez, have taken to social media to push the far left’s anti-gun agenda. However, media has largely ignored a conservative Parkland massacre survivor. This student, Kyle Kashuv, identifies as a conservative and a supporter of the Second Amendment.
In an interview with Guy Benson from TownHall, Kyle stated that he entered the debate about gun control “kind of reluctantly.” He told Benson that he felt an obligation to speak out because “the other half of America needs to be heard.” Kashuv is one of the few conservative students from Stoneman Douglas High School speaking out in public.
Kashuv told Benson that he is a supporter of the “Never Again” movement. However, he feels ignored and ostracized by those who disagree with his conservative beliefs. Kashuv said that he supports everything about the “Never Again” movement that doesn’t include gun control. However, Kashuv laments that many people in the “Never Again” movement have a “You’re with us or you’re against us” mentality.
During the interview, he said that he was bothered by student David Hogg “bragging” on Bill Maher’s show about hanging up on the White House. The purpose of the call was to arrange a meeting with President Trump to talk about potential solutions to the issue of mass shootings.
“Simply hanging up, whether it was the president or his assistant — that’s terrible. And then to brag about it on national television? It’s extremely counterintuitive to actual change,” Kashuv stated.
~ Patriotic Freedom Fighter