Weeks after a series of riots broke out in Kenosha, Wisconsin following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, the wreckage of the city’s downtown area…
WATCH: The Media’s Coverage of BLM Riots THEN vs. NOW
As we get closer to Election Day, we can’t allow the American people to forget what they’re actually voting for. On one side, we have…
Rural Property Values Explode as Homeowners Flee Lockdowns and Riots
Conservatives have long warned of an exodus from large, Democrat-controlled cities that instituted draconian lockdown orders while allowing rioters to run free. That exodus is…
CNN’s Don Lemon BEGS Joe Biden to Talk Down Riots — Because the POLLS Look Bad
CNN anchor Don Lemon said he is ready for the riots in the U.S. to stop. The sad part is – it is not due…
Chicago in RUIN After Another Wave of Looting and Rioting
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot issued an order to crack down on rioting mobs after the city was forced to shutter the so-called “Magnificent Mile” where…
George Floyd’s Brother Urges Peace: Rioting ‘Not What My Brother Was About’
Riots continue to sweep cities across the nation with looting and other crimes damaging communities and ruining lifelong dreams. While the focus of the protest…
Media: You Don’t Need to Social Distance if You Set Buildings On Fire
Remember when the mainstream media decided that you were a deeply terrible person if you wanted to leave your home to spend time with friends…
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