Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris has been getting a lot of attention, and that’s ok with the Democratic Party — because it keeps the cameras and eyes off of presidential candidate Joe Biden. The candidate has been very quiet and absent from the campaign trail in many cases — or appears via video, in a pre-recorded message.
A recent conversation with beloved actor and comedian Tom Hanks features another Biden slipup — this time he can’t seem to recall when he served as vice president (hint, it was in the last decade). This most recent gaffe came during a fundraiser being held by Hanks during the online Democratic National Convention. In it, Biden appears to freeze up and become unable to recall when he was inagurated as Vice President.
He is speaking about Civil Rights, and mentions his eventual swearing in as part of the conversation — but is unable to come up with an actual date. The candidate could of course be bad at math — lots of people are — but in an almost 80 year old candidate, any type of “brain freeze” as the media called it, is alarming.
“I quit, I became a public defender. And I used to have to interview my clients down by the train station… and 40 years later to the month, January of 2018, I found myself in a circumstance where, I mean 2012, I find myself standing in the same spot I was standing 40 years earlier,” Biden. said. “And I was waiting for a black man, Tom, to come and pick me up from Philadelphia. A guy named Barack Obama. On 17th January, to take me to Washington, a trip I’ve made a thousand of times commuting every day, to be sworn in as president and vice president.”
Biden mentions two inaugural years — 2012 and 2018 — both of these are incorrect. He and President Barack Obama were sworn into office in 2009 and 2013 .
This low profile has done little to assure voters that Biden is where he should be mentally to lead the nation. Rumors surrounding his mental fitness and health continue to stir every time he attends an event. At the moment, the only thing worse than having the press note that Biden is once again not present in person or accessible to live reporters and cameras is to have him speak out in public–and trigger even more fears.
Rencent lapses included referring to a young female audience member as a “dog faced pony soldier” then claiming this was a quote from a movie (it was not). Biden has a crowd in February that he was running for a senate seat. He has also been called out for standing too close to women, or actually groping women and girls in his immediate area — both on and off film.
Other recent missteps include forgetting what year it is (2020) and wandering away from the camera during a conversation. Democrats have got to be releived that the press is heavily focusing attention on Kamala Harris — who is young, healthy and in control of all of her faculties.