If one were to believe the fake news and establishment media, Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden would have a seemingly insurmountable lead. But intelligent Americans do not believe such left-wing propaganda. After all, we heard the same phony rhetoric in 2016 when “deplorables” crushed Hillary Clinton at the ballot box.
The facts are that President Donald Trump continues to gain traction in even left-wing polls. His war chest of campaign contributions far outpaces Biden’s. And his Democrat opponent continues to hurl bizarre and racially-tinged insults at African-American voters.
In July alone, the Trump Campaign raised a staggering $165 million, and enjoyed a whopping $300 million in cash on hand. Some sources put the Biden campaign only about $27 million behind Trump. Other sources have him trailing the president by more than $150 million in cash on hand. Some experts see Biden’s handlers spending at a furious rate while he hides in his basement from the virus.
“The enthusiasm behind President Trump’s reelection continues to grow as July’s massive fundraising totals prove,” Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien said. “Voters express their support for President Trump in many different ways and donating to his campaign is one of the most personal, because they feel invested in his successes and the future success of the country. The President’s support continues to increase while Joe Biden just posted a down fundraising month from his basement.”
Biden has relied on Obama’s liberal popularity to garner large corporate donations. His campaign has already booked fall television advertisements for amounts that far exceed his current financial resources. Donations to re-elect President Trump appear to be well ahead of their winning 2016 pace. That being said, the president has recently surged in polls that have been criticized for liberal bias. Recent data points to President Trump pulling away as the crisis starts to abate.
Fake news outlets had been touting a dead-heat in solid Republican and battleground states. These days, Trump enjoys a widening gap in Texas, Maine, Utah, and South Carolina, which was a springboard for Biden during the primary. Fake news outlets such as CNN continue to claim that Florida will swing Biden’s way by 5 points. Americans may recall that same fiction in 2016 by the leader in fake news.
Biden has been on a virtual rampage insulting black American reporters. He recently called a black reporter a “junkie” who posed a legitimate follow-up question concerning Biden lying about taking a cognitive test. On a high-profile African-American talk show hosted called “The Breakfast Club,” Biden went on a tangent saying that “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black.”
Among his most recent remarks was one laced with racism and a sense Black voters just do as their told by the Democratic Party.
“What you all know but most people don’t know, unlike the African American community with notable exceptions the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things,” Biden said.
The left-wing media has rolled out excuses to “clarify” his statement. The remarks, his segregation votes in the Senate, affiliations with Ku Klux Klan members, and legislative harms inflicted on Black Americans continue to sink his voting appeal.
“What I’m seeing and what I’m hearing among young Black voters is that Biden was not their first choice, so folks are not excited to vote for him this November,” Equal Ground activist Kristin Fulwylie Thomas reportedly said.
In 2016, President Trump garnered only 6 percent of Black voters. As the election nears, the White House touts achieving the lowest ever unemployment rate for Black working families in history. Even liberal polls show his support exceeding 20 percent among African-Americans heading into the November elections.