Conservatives have suffered a series of disappointments in our Republican leadership in recent weeks as our leaders in Washington have done little to counteract the ongoing violence that the Left condones and the growing infringements on our basic freedoms which the Left also condones. That disappointment was exacerbated this week when the Supreme Court delivered a 5 to 4 decision to remove a Louisiana law that placed limits on abortion doctor’s access to abortion clinics.
The ruling is considered to be a defeat for conservatives who are opposed to abortion. But it is hoped that it could inspire greater Republican voter turnout during the upcoming elections in November. Democrats have made gains in recent elections and public opinion does show that attempts to blame the damage to the economy resulting from the pandemic and the George Floyd riots have reduced President Donald Trump’s approval rating. That means anything that brings out more Trump voters this November might be a good thing — although we would normally shy away from saying liberal abortion laws are a good thing.
It is unfortunate that any president’s approval rating has a direct correlation to the health of the economy, even if the damage to the economy is provably the fault of the opposing party — which it is. Unfortunately, most people are too busy to pay attention to current events, and will invariably assume the state of the economy is always the president’s fault.
Reverend Frank Pavone, the national director for Priests for Life said that President Trump’s representatives during the voting “voted the right way.” These Trump representatives voted to sustain restrictions on Louisiana doctor’s ability to access abortion facilities at major hospitals. Unfortunately, Trump’s representatives in the voting session were outnumbered.
Pavone said, “Once again this ruling underscores the importance of elections. We need a solid pro-life majority on the Supreme Court to uphold the rights of women and the unborn.”
Referring to an anticipated Trump victory in November, Evangelical Trump advisor Johnnie Moore said, “Conservatives know they are on the one-yard-line. Enthusiasm is unprecedented, evangelical turnout will be too.”
He too anticipates that this pro-abortion victory could motivate more Trump supporters to vote in November.
Representative Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio responded to the news of the decision by tweeting, “What’s next, Chief Justice Roberts? Our Second Amendment rights?”
Jordan’s concern over the potential ill health of our constitutional rights is astute. Local governments all over the country have been siding with leftist groups and causes in the many dust-ups that have arisen out of the George Floyd protests and the subsequent destruction of national monuments.
The effect has been that pro-gun people defending themselves in the streets, and pro-free-speech people defending themselves in public and online, have had local judiciaries side against them even when they are clearly in the right.
Russell Moore, president of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, said, “We continue to seek an America where vulnerable persons, including unborn children and their mothers, are seen as precious, and not disposable.”
So, while the recent decision by the Supreme Court is abhorrent on its own, it is part of a larger ripple affect Americans need to be aware of. The Democratic Party poses a stronger threat to the American way of life than ever.