We could very well be watching the sequel to Jussie Smollett’s “This is MAGA Country!” episode.
In late June, NASCAR driver Darrell “Bubba” Wallace claimed to find a noose hung in the garage next to his car. Wallace is the racing franchise’s only black driver. In the past, nooses have been viewed a symbol of white oppression against black Americans. News of the incident came in the immediate aftermath of NASCAR’s decision to disallow any displays of the Confederate battle flag or any related imagery, a decision Wallace pushed for.
So, naturally, Wallace became a hero on social media overnight. Fellow NASCAR drivers even staged a procession with his vehicle to show how totally not racist they are. But it didn’t stop there.
It wasn’t enough for NASCAR to investigate the incident internally. Apparently, examining a rope tied into a knot requires the most experienced legal minds in the country. So, the U.S. Department of Justice dispatched 15 FBI agents to tackle the case.
Now, the findings are in: the “noose” turned out to be a garage pull — you know, those things that allow workers in a garage to open and close a door.
Not long ago, this would have been a funny story to report. But it’s too late for any of this to be funny, because scores of Americans still believe someone snuck into the garage to threaten a black man with a historic symbol of hate. Wallace himself insists the rope was a noose.
You really have to see it to believe it, so here’s Mark Dice with a full breakdown of the incident.