One of the strangest aspects of this election cycle has been criminally overlooked — we actually have someone running for vice president — and failing miserably at it.
Former Vice President Joe Biden is still the presumed Democratic Party nominee, however delays in primary voting over coronavirus concerns mean that he technically hasn’t synched the nomination yet. Moreover, rumors have been circulating that DNC power brokers (AKA “superdelegates”) could pull another fast one and throw someone else in his place — New York Governor Andrew Cuomo comes to mind.
However, Old Joe has never been one to let pesky facts get in the way of things, so he’s been strutting around the airwaves acting like he’s president already.
Abrams, who still believes she was robbed of a gubernatorial election against Brian Kemp in Georgia, is pulling all the stops to remain relevant. When Biden essentially knocked Vermont Sander Bernie Sanders out of the race, she was among the first to say Biden’s running mate must be a woman. Now, it must be a “woman of color” — how convenient for her…
All of this makes the video below more precious to watch. You can actually see Abrams’ spirit shatter when she comes to realize that she was not invited on to accept Biden’s nod for VP. Instead, it turns out that Old Joe just wants a piece of all the money’s she’s been raising by claiming to be victim.
It’s really unbelievable.
Here’s Mark Dice with the full story and reaction.