Now that former Vice President Joe Biden is almost certain to become the Democratic Party’s nominee, he has turned his attention to pandering to progressives he largely ignored earlier in the campaign season.
In the hopes of winning over women and minority voters, the former Vice-President has pledged to select a female vice-presidential candidate and choose a black woman as his next Supreme Court Justice. Naturally, the mainstream media is continually fueling speculation over whom the former Vice-President might pick, naming possibilities that range from former Democrat presidential candidates such as Sen. Kamala Harris and Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Democrats that don’t currently hold office, including Sally Yates and Stacey Abrams.
If Biden does happen to somehow win the upcoming election, there will be endless speculation over his cabinet appointments and judicial nominations. However, the one huge point that has gotten lost in the conversation is this: A man who stands a real possibility of becoming the next President of the United States is engaging in blatant racial and gender discrimination, and liberals think it’s perfectly OK.
Granted, there is nothing wrong with choosing a female running mate or Supreme Court justice, and there are many talented, capable women who could serve in either capacity. However, automatically discounting other candidates for a position based solely on gender or skin color is morally abhorrent. This is the sort of discrimination that the Supreme Court has already ruled to be unconstitutional. Colleges and universities like Yale are currently on the other side of serious lawsuits for doing just this with admissions.
Given the fact that Biden has problems remembering simple information such as the opening sentence of the Declaration of Independence, what day of the week it is, or even where he is at any given point in time, who he chooses as VP is extremely important. Using arbitrary characteristics to pick a number two is actually dangerous.
Remember, Biden has thus far been billing himself as some sort of “moderate” — an alternative to the socialist Bernie Sanders and the populist Donald Trump. But his adherence to identity politics proves this is a fabrication. Biden has the potential to be just as radical as any progressive, and for that should be kept as far away from the White House as possible.