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Sweden’s Migrant Crisis Proves Trump’s Public Charge Rule

The Trump Administration continues to fight a protracted war with Democrats to ensure American taxpayers are not subsidizing the lives of freeloaders from other countries. Recent employment data coming out of Sweden highlights the fact that deadbeat migrants are infiltrating countries with strong economies to enjoy life on the backs of working citizens.

According to the Swedish Employment Service, only 6.1 percent of new arrivals secured jobs that were not supported by taxpayer revenue in 2019. Those numbers are less than hopeful as only 6.6 percent worked off the public dole in 2018.

Although Swedish officials have been defending the country’s disgraceful migrant-inclusion impact, the world has watched aghast as the once-peaceful country was deemed the “rape capital of Europe.” More than 50 percent of rapes in Sweden were attributed to aggressive foreign-born males, and the country now suffers so-called “no-go zones” where Muslim extremists won’t allow law enforcement to enter.

Once heralded as an economically prosperous small nation, Sweden has watched its unemployment rate uptick to among the highest in the EU, despite native unemployment holding at a relatively low 3.6 percent. Large numbers of unemployed migrants have officials concerned that municipalities will be unable to pay for their growing benefits and stumble into bankruptcy.

“Costs in municipalities that have received new arrivals have continued to be substantial even when government revenues have stopped. This creates a large negative hole in the municipal cash register,” Bengtsfors Moderate Party politician Stig Bertilsson reportedly said.

What makes matters even worse is the fact that a large percentage of migrants who do work, those jobs are subsidized by Swedish taxpayer money. The open borders policies of the EU that flooded the region with Middle Eastern immigrants have rocked the economy. And that’s why President Donald Trump fought a lengthy court battle with similar globalist Democrats to avoid everyday Americans from being forced to pay upwards of $100 billion annually for foreigners’ lifestyles.

“We’re talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits over the next few years,” said Dan Stein, Federation for American Immigration Reform director. “The payout for the taxpayer is enormous, and income to the Treasury is minuscule.”

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, upwards of 63 percent of non-citizen households use some form of taxpayer-funded welfare. Non-citizens take more than double the amount of food stamps subsidies that Americans do, and more than twice the amount of Medicaid benefits.

The Trump Administration recently won a 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court decision that allows a so-called “public charge” rule to go into effect. The policy provides stringent guidelines that deny visas to foreigners who are likely to rely on taxpayer-funded welfare to stay in the country. Democrats filed lawsuits in left-leaning courts, and were able to temporarily gain a nationwide injunction from liberal activists posing as judges. Like other phony cherry-picked results, the Trump Administration won at the U.S. Supreme Court.

“If a single successful challenge is enough to stay the challenged rule across the country, the government’s hope of implementing any new policy could face the long odds of a straight sweep,” Justice Neil Gorsuch reportedly wrote.

Open borders activists such as Javier Valdes of Make the Road New York were quick to say, “This decision will hurt immigrant communities.” But if these so-called immigrant communities are not gainfully contributing to the country, how exactly are they an asset to the community?

The immigration loopholes the Trump Administration has been working diligently to close include women sneaking across the border to give birth to “anchor babies” so hard-working Americans will be forced to pay for their food, clothing, and medical expenses. Others have crossed the U.S. southern border to have taxpayer-funded abortions. To say that migrants are deliberately taking advantage of working U.S. families would be a gross understatement.

Despite the obvious burden deadbeat migrants place on the economy, taxes, and increased crime, Democrats continue to resist and obstruct the Trump Administration’s efforts to put Americans First. If Sweden hadn’t allowed the globalist leftists to seize control of the EU, the once-peaceful and prosperous country would be far better off.

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