It’s important to remember that we live in a constitutional republic. That is to say, the people we elect to be our representatives have to have our permission to do the things that they do. It’s a bit like the myth of the vampire — it cannot come into your home and nibble on your head-stem unless you give it permission. Sure, it can trick you into giving it permission, and that’s the reason God gave you that fantastic brain.
So, the Democrats are busying themselves trying to get impeachment rammed through. Their only problem is that Americans don’t give a wet slap about Democrat’s lunatic impeachment ideas. Conservatives are trying to focus on their jobs, their families, and other responsibilities. A few liberals are excited, but most are just crossing their fingers, hoping it doesn’t turn up another dud, and trying not to think about it too much.
Nobody cares.
Do you know what this is? This is America’s chance to take a much deserved break from the relentless news cycles of the last few years. And it couldn’t have come at a better time. With Thanksgiving on its way, why not take a few weeks to actually be thankful for our good fortune to live in the most prosperous society on Earth. Let’s take the time to appreciate the good people in our lives, eat an enormous amount of food, unfasten our belts, and say “Thank you Lord, for this abundance.”
We promise, the Democrats will still be crazy in December.
Here’s Tucker Carlson with more.