President Donald Trump accused Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of being aware of the rampant fraud and lies perpetrated by fellow Rep. Adam Schiff. The President went on record as saying that he thinks that Congress’ top Democrat could even possibly be guilty of treason.
“Nancy Pelosi knew of all of the many Shifty Adam Schiff lies and massive frauds perpetrated upon Congress and the American people,” Trump posted on his social media account Sunday.
It is no secret that Trump is not a fan of Adam Schiff, as the president has repeatedly criticized his characterization of the July 25th call, he had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Trump has often said that he believes that Schiff helped draft the whistleblower complaint that began the ridiculous impeachment talks, and is at the center of the ‘witch hunt,’ as he calls it.
Schiff, who was appointed by Speaker Pelosi to lead the impeachment investigation on the president, indicated at a hearing in September that the summary read like a “classic organized crime shakedown.”
While President Trump continues to attack Schiff for his part in the many lies he has told, the fraud directed at him, and the false description of the Ukraine phone call, Schiff continues to say that his blatant lies, demeaning comments, and accusatory remarks were simply “meant to be at least “in parody.” President Trump has made it clear that he does not believe that to be the truth at all, and that testifying before Congress is not the time nor place for any type of jokes or parody.
In addition, in response to the recent release of information by the Trump Administration proving that Schiff lied about having prior knowledge of the whistleblower and the complaint made, Schiff finally admitted to being contacted. Schiff’s committee spokesperson acknowledged last week that the whistleblower approached the panel for guidance before filing the complaint about President Trump’s phone call to the Ukraine president and his mentioning of the Bidens. However, there is not currently any evidence that Schiff or members of the panel helped draft the whistleblower complaint.
Trump mentioned both Schiff’s characterization of the call President Zelensky as well as the whistleblower’s contact with the House Intelligence Committee in his email regarding Nancy Pelosi.
“This makes Nervous Nancy every bit as guilty as Liddle’ Adam Schiff for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and even Treason,” he said via his Twitter account.
“I guess that means that they, along with all of those that evilly ‘Colluded’ with them, must all be immediately Impeached!”
The impeachment talks surrounding President Trump continue, and Democrats are not expected to give up the “witch hunt” anytime soon. The Republicans, however, don’t seem to mind too much because they say Trump’s approval numbers keep going up.