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Kirsten Gillibrand Says Pro-Lifers are Just As Bad As Racists

It’s not a secret that the Democratic Party opposes the pro-life point of view. However, their hatred is now far less veiled than it was before.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who is currently running a losing campaign for the party’s presidential nomination, is telling activists and the news media that believing that innocent babies should not be murdered before birth is just as bad as racism. Adding to this, Gillibrand says she would ensure that only pro-abortionists would be allowed to become judges.

When pressed to explain her comments, Sen. Gillibrand attempted to excuse her views by saying that pro-life judges would overturn “settled precedent” set down by the Roe vs. Wade case. However, the remarks come across as utterly ridiculous when one realizes that Sen. Gillibrand has been actively calling for the reversal of several other Supreme Court decisions that she doesn’t like. She recently stated on social media that she wants to overturn the Citizens United ruling, and her opposition to Second Amendment rights leaves no doubt that she would also overturn pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court rulings if she could.

Even a quick look at history makes it clear that the Supreme Court doesn’t always get it right. Americans can now agree that the Dredd Scott case, which affirmed that former slaves living in free states were not entitled to their freedom and that African-Americans could never become citizens of the United States, was dead wrong. The Korematsu case, in which the Supreme Court agreed with FDR’s move to incarcerate Japanese-Americans in internment camps during World War 2, is yet another example of how the Supreme Court can and sometimes does make serious mistakes.

There is also the obvious fact that Sen. Gillibrand doesn’t simply oppose the pro-life stance due to “settled precedent”. Her earlier remarks comparing pro-lifers to racists makes it apparent that she has no respect for any individual who understands that life begins at conception.

The Democratic presidential candidate recently told news outlets that that society has such “moral clarity” on certain issues that the other side can simply be considered unacceptable. However, the truth of the matter is that morality is not something that can be decided on by the masses. Certain crimes are still wrong even if most people think they are acceptable.

The senator’s remarks seem to imply that the overwhelming majority of people in the United States think that murdering an unborn child is perfectly alright, and that is far from the case. There are still millions of people in the country who know that abortion is murder, and who oppose the “moral clarity” that Sen. Gillibrand seeks to force on the masses.

Sen. Gillibrand’s call to prevent pro-lifers from ever becomes judges is a dangerous one. It implies that people who hold to certain values should not be allowed in certain jobs, which is an act of discrimination. Even former President Barack Obama recognized this, stating in 2006 that asking believers to leave their religion at the door when entering the public sphere is wrong. Unfortunately, the Democrat Party has moved so far to the left in recent years that the former president seems like a conservative Christian in comparison.

While Kirsten Gillibrand may not have much of a chance at actually winning in the upcoming primary elections, it is almost certain that her comments will inflame others who agree with her point of view, and thus put pressure on other Democrat presidential candidates to double down. Such a move would not only negatively affect the judiciary, but also other spheres of public life.

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