Mainstream media outlets that have made it a point to criticize literally everything having to do with the President and First Lady are now looking for negative “hidden body language messages” in the First Family’s 2018 official Christmas portrait.
The portrait, which features President Donald Trump holding First Lady Melania Trump’s hand as both of them stand together in the Cross Hall of the White House, would seem innocuous at first glance, but is apparently rife with hidden signals that commentators are eager to decipher for their willing audience.
Patti Wood, a so-called “body language expert”, has found numerous ridiculous things to pick on in the photo. First of all, she criticizes the President and First Lady for standing straight instead of facing each other or leaning on each other. Apparently, their posture and stance fail to indicate affection, care and a “desire to merge”, whatever that may be.
The First Lady is then criticized because she is standing with both feet facing forward rather than in a standard “feminine posture,” and her left inner arm is curved in such a way as to indicate fear. What is more, both the President and First Lady are grinning rather than smiling and this is not a good thing; rather, it indicates tension. Patti Wood then goes on to state that this photograph, with all its supposed errors and gaffes, is really the best of the First Couple has to offer.
Many people might be surprised to know that so much could be picked on when looking at a single Christmas photograph taken by a professional photographer. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time that the mainstream media has gone out of its way to look for small details regarding the President and First Lady’s life and then blow them way out of proportion. The First Lady’s body language was analyzed in depth earlier this year when Stormy Daniels’ story first broke.
Melania Trump was also criticized by numerous news outlets over her choice of Christmas decorations for the White House this year and last year. Last year’s white decorations were apparently “too cold” and “creepy” — and some social media users even compared the First Lady to the White Witch in Chronicles of Narnia. This year, it was the crimson red Christmas trees that drew the most attention as unhappy people throughout the nation complained that they looked like something out of “Handmaid’s Tale”.
The media’s negative focus on the First Lady recently drew a rebuke from Stephanie Grisham, the First Lady’s deputy chief of staff for communications. She accurately noted that while the media is obsessed with the First Lady’s posture, shoes and clothes, Melania Trump has done many wonderful things for children and military families that have gone almost unnoticed.
The First Lady recently visited Africa on a goodwill tour that focused on conservation, children’s health and education and social and cultural issues. Earlier this month she visited military families to thank them for their service, participated in the Toys for Tots Program and went to Children’s National Hospital in Washington to read to the sick children, visit the neonatal intensive care unit and talk with the parents of the children in the hospital as well as the staff members who are helping to care for them. However, these praiseworthy actions have received scant media coverage in comparison to the many articles about the First Lady’s choice of clothes, shoes and accessories.
It is understandable that not everyone will like a particular president and his policies. Any politician can and should expect plenty of negative media coverage. However, reading into what is a simple holiday greeting photo and assuming that it is rife with negative hidden meanings borders on the absurd. It is regrettable that, instead of discussing ways to make life better for millions of Americans who face numerous challenges this Christmas and in the year ahead, the mainstream media is looking for small, ridiculous things to pick on the President and First Lady for.
While such nitpicking is sure to please liberals who hate anyone who does not hold to far-left values and positions, it is sure to disgust any reasonable person who would rather celebrate Christmas as the season of cheer and goodwill that it is meant to be.
~ Patriotic Freedom Fighter