Move over radical Islam, there’s a new terror threat in town — white men.
At least, that’s according to CNN news anchor Don Lemon, who referred to men with white skin as the “greatest terror threat the country is facing.”
The anchor shared this during a recent live segment covering a shooting at a Kentucky supermarket. Despite being a supposedly impartial news organization, the host decided to share his opinion with viewers who were tuning in.
The incident being covered was a shooting in a Kroger brand grocery store and is being investigated as a hate crime; a white man shot two black people outside the store.
“I keep trying to point out to people not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity,” Lemon said during the broadcast. “But we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else — some people who are marching towards the border like it’s imminent.”
Lemon was talking about the immigrant caravan winding its way through Central American and aiming towards the US. According to Lemon, we should instead be focused on the citizens already here – white males in particular, who the anchor feels is responsible for the largest threat to the nation.
“We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban — you know, they had the Muslim ban,” Lemon said. “There is no white-guy ban. So what do we do about that?”
His calls for a travel ban on American citizens who happen to be white and male continued during the news broadcast. After significant backlash from both those hoping for a free and unbiased press and upset viewers, Lemon chose to further qualify his statement, offering “evidence” of the dangers posed by these citizens. Instead of apologizing or mentioning that his role was to provide news, not opinion, Lemon went on the offense.
Conservatives spoke out on social media. From shooting survivor and Republican Congressman Steve Scalise to Donald Trump Jr, tweets and posts highlighted the statements by Lemon and their absurdity.
Lemon continues to insist that he is in the right and that white males pose a large threat to other Americans, with no sign of an apology or retraction in sight. CNN has yet to comment.
In other words, it was just another day at CNN…
~ Patriotic Freedom Fighter