America’s millennials are probably the most frustrating generation the country has had to deal with in a very long time.
While generations before them remember seeing the American dream in action, and had a keen sense of what made the classic “rags to riches” tale possible, many millennials grew up surrounded by wealth. Those born in the late 1980s and early 1990s had access to an unprecedented promise of food and shelter, and got to enjoy one of America’s greatest economic booms during their formative years.
Apparently, this untold prosperity is proving pretty hard to live without, as demonstrated by one many YouTuber Mark Dice has dubbed the “most pathetic millennial” alive. Apparently, this adult child has refused to either get a job or move out of his parents’ house. Those who raised him became so frustrated, that they resorted to obtaining an eviction notice from local courts.
Now, there’s definitely a lot to unpack here. How is it that these parents allowed their child to become so economically useless? Furthermore, why were they required to obtain a court order to kick their deadbeat man-child out of their own house?
There’s a lot of villains in this scenario, and not a whole lot of victims or heroes.
Watch Mark Dice break down the whole situation in the hilarious video below:
~ Liberty Video News