Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens has been one of the few sane black voices in the national media with the ability and fortitude to take on the liberal media. She recently took on Black Lives Matter at a university event as detailed by Sean Hannity. As the Turning Point USA Communications Director, Owens has received perhaps more racism from the left than any other black conservative in recent times.
Her interview with Hannity on Fox News is nothing short of inspiring and eye opening. You really get to know the passion behind this young conservative warrior. As Hannity says at the beginning of the video, Owens really does have a gift for bringing across her point. It is the same gift that Barack Obama had, but Owens is actually on the right side of history.
If you want to understand exactly what kind of hatred black conservatives get for speaking the truth to black people, this short interview from Hannity is an incredible find. It also has incredible insights as to how liberals try to shut down conservative voices.
If the left is trying to shut down Candance Owens, then who is next? We must find ourselves united by the message that Owens speaks so well for us. If we are to spread the conservative voice to every nook and cranny of America, we need people who can reach around corners. Pay attention to Candace – she will help you understand how liberals really operate.
~ Patriotic Freedom Fighter