Conservatism is growing. Why? Two reasons: the dishonest echolalia of the left wing media, and the ever-expanding explosion of information technology. Though, either reason by itself is enough to explain it.
The rise of the Internet made it possible for people to independently research the proclamations of the mainstream media, (read, ‘liberal media’). Prior to widespread information sharing and independent fact-checking (real fact checking… not Snopes), we had to just take the word of talking heads like Tom Brokaw as gospel.
Today, it takes more than just an actor in a suit to read from a teleprompter with a hypnotically authoritative tone to convince those who really want verifiable information. Before the Internet, we had the comfort of knowing that we really can’t know the truth for sure — we can’t check anything. So, there was little guilt to be had in choosing to believe the anchors. Those days are over, and while that sounds like a bad thing for the average person- it really means the end of the top-down media.
No longer can a suited goon look down his nose into a teleprompter and command you to believe what he says. Now, they are subject to being proven wrong in viral posts, YouTube videos, and blogs. And to the great dismay of establishment fronts like CNN, anyone can make a big, meaningful impact.
This sea-change in the way media works has literally driven the top-down media insane. Today, after a year of blowing smoke, CNN is still obsessed with the bogus Russia collusion story. Mark Dice has more on their hilarious obsession below.
~ Patriotic Freedom Fighter